
(2021). Using stylistic features to predict the composition date of an American contra dance. Journal of Mathematics and the Arts.

Cite Project DOI

(2019). Computing as a Mathematical Disciplinary Practice. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior.

Project DOI

(2019). Identifying students’ attentive fidelity for calculus instructional videos. Proceedings of the 41st annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education.

(2018). The Calculus Concept Inventory: A psychometric analysis and implications for use. IJMEST.

Project DOI

(2018). Using Machine Learning Algorithms to Categorize Free Responses to Calculus Questions. Proceedings of the Twenty-first Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education.


(2018). Student Learning and Sense-Making from Video Lectures. IJMEST.


(2018). Investigating Student Learning and Sense-Making from Instructional Calculus Videos. Proceedings of the Twenty-first Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education.

(2018). Failing to rewind: Students’ learning from instructional videos. Proceedings of the 40th annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education.

(2018). Computing as a Mathematical Disciplinary Practice. Proceedings of the Twenty-first Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education.

(2017). Virtual Manipulatives, Vertical Number Lines, and Taylor Series Convergence: The Case of Cody. Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education.

(2017). Solving Hardy-Weinberg with geometry: An integration of biology and math. The American Biology Teacher.


(2016). Does the Calculus Concept Inventory Really Measure Conceptual Understanding of Calculus?. On Teaching and Learning Mathematics.

Project Source Document

(2016). Supporting Students in Seeing Sequence Convergence in Taylor Series Convergence. Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education.

(2016). Algorithmic Thinking: An initial characterization of computational thinking in mathematics. 38th Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education.


(2016). A Graph-Theoretic approach to the analysis of Contra dances. Bridges Finland, 2016.


(2015). The Calculus Concept Inventory: A Psychometric Analysis and Framework for a New Instrument. Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education.


(2015). Analyzing the Calculus Concept Inventory: Content validity, internal structure validity, and reliability analysis. Proceedings of the PMENA-37.


(2014). Understanding the relationship between teacher value-added scores, instructional quality, and independent measures of student learning. 2014 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association.

(2014). The construction of a video coding protocol to analyze interactive instruction in calculus and connections with conceptual gains. Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education.


(2013). Analyzing Calculus Concept Inventory Gains in Introductory Calculus. Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education.
